Of all the warning lights on your vehicle's instrument panel, there's one that demands your attention. And that's the brake warning light.
Common sense will tell you that if you can't stop, you are endangering yourself and others. Brake warning lights are there to warn you that something is wrong with this vital safety system.
There are several reasons a brake light will come on, but if yours does, get it to your NAPA AutoCare Center and have it checked out right away.
Here are some possibilities of what's going on when you see that brake warning light.
Low brake fluid—A sensor has detected that the brake fluid level is low. The technician can determine if you need more fluid. The technician can also determine if there's a leak in your brake system. Low brake fluid could also be a sign of worn brakes pads. An inspection can reveal brake problems. Just topping off the brake fluid can leave critical problems unaddressed.
The light will also come on if there is a sudden loss of hydraulic pressure in the brake lines. This could be from a brake line rupture. This could be caused by road debris cutting a brake line or simply from corrosion eating through a line. Your brake light will come on at the same time the line ruptures, and you will have little warning. Always keep in the back of your mind that you have your emergency brake as one more way to stop.
The brake light may come on when your parking/emergency brake is on. It could be as simple as you left your parking brake on.
Another brake related warning light is the Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) light. This system has many components; a bad wheel sensor or damaged wiring may be the culprit. Your technician has a special diagnostic tool to track this one down.
Brakes aren't something to neglect. When you see that brake warning light come on, take your vehicle to your NAPA AutoCare Service Advisor as soon as possible.
Randall Automotive
3615 S Martin Luther King