You need to be able to see at night and have other vehicles see you as well. Spend a few minutes to check and make sure all your vehicle's outside lights are working. It might help to have...
Do you know what gas makes up 20.9% of the air we breathe? It's oxygen. Oxygen is an important part of the combustion process that enables your engine to make power. The amount of ox...
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Have you ever thought about all the little things we do to keep our lives running smoothly - like vacuuming? It makes a room feel fresher and more comfortable. We may not consider...
When the cold weather rolls around and the first slippery days confront drivers, it's tempting to say, "I need an all-wheel-drive or four-wheel-drive vehicle to deal with the weather." Well, may...
We’re going to be talking about the ethics of automotive repair. Unfortunately, every profession has some bad actors that hurt the reputation of everyone else. In the automotive worl...
In cold weather, you may notice your windows fogging up. Then you can't see where you're going, and suddenly you and those around you are in danger. So, what causes your windows to fog up in cold weat...
Today’s vehicles are rolling computer networks with multiple processors, sensors, and miles of wiring. The mechanical elements from the suspension to the engine valve train are extremely sophist...
After they’ve had an accident, some people wonder why their airbags didn't go off. Movies and television lead us to believe that airbags go off with the slightest bump. The reality is much more ...